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  • ... An encounter with the delirium of a woman through intensified visions and sounds, inspired by the atmospheres of David Lynch and...
  • Sleeping Bed -
    ... states between sleep and wakefulness, in order to conjure visions, have been cited. (Carol M. Worthman, Melissa K. Melby; Toward...
  • ... An encounter with the delirium of a woman through intensified visions and sounds, inspired by the atmospheres of David Lynch and...
  • ... for a prediction machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a voice recognition system, one of the twelve...
  • ... Pixelation of the Panoptic in Four Southern California Shows VISIONS Art Quarterly (Spring 1994).
  • Concrete Visions -
    ...Event: Concrete VisionsInstitution: Istanbul BiennaleComment:
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... Web site containing the "installation".During their initial visit users should download the MOLECULAR ENGINE VIEWER, which is a...
  • ... his work on posthumanism, multidisciplinary design, and visual culture at the 5th symposium of the Imaginaries of the Future...
  • Tele-Twister -
    ... in as a guest or register for your own password. To play, visit: You can log in as a...
  • Last Supper -
    ... architecture by Leonardo. Approaching the Ultima Cena you can visit the painting in its particulars and discover t he beau ty and...