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  • Sheer, Ursula. Bilder in einer Welt ohne Rahmen FAZ (February 2017).
  • Cassandra
    30 panel polytych, acrylic, ink and enamel reverse painting on acrylic sheet, 227.5 x 396 cm, 2009
  • Sleep is by no means the tranquil affair we think it is, constant movement between the sheets and a perpetual regulation of body temperature and breathing rate: it’s a wonder we can get any rest from it.
  • Shedhalle Zurich + Swiss federal office of culture BAK and Anke Hoffmann and Andreas Broeckmann and Sibylle Omlin and Yvonne Volkart, ed. Connect - art between media and reality.. Zurich: Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2011.
  • Shrink -
    Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body (in this case the artist himself) vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces
  • Whenever the inequitable distribution of resources crosses into territories once thought impossible, Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) has responded with a public party to highlight the achievements of various oligarchies and plutocracies in a manner that
  • Presentation of the artist's work at a public show and tell lecture. [source:]
  • In the Open -
    Event: In the OpenInstitution: Sheffield Institute of Arts GalleryComment:
  • Glynn, Ruairi and Bob Sheil. FABRICATE: MAKING DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE, Michael Stacey Interview with Philip Beesley Riverside Architectural Press , no. 2nd Edition (2013).
  • Sheil, Bob, ed. MANUFACTURING THE BESPOKE. Making and prototyping architecture. Chichester: Wiley, 2012.