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  • FLUflux -
    ... (or more progressive) changes in the total numbers of...
  • CodeZebra -
    CodeZebraOS is an advanced web based visualization tool and a creative www environment that enables conversations between different individuals and groups on the Internet. Applications include performances, video documentaries; dance performances
  • Freud-Lissitzky Navigator is a computer game prototype; a software narrative; a tool to navigate through 20th century cultural history; an experiment in developing analysis of new media that uses the very forms of new media (in this case, computer
  • The PHSCologram depicts the first computer-generated illustration of the AIDS virus, as known in 1987 when HIV infection was causing millions of deaths around the world. The image represents a colorized CAT scan of a person called Messiah who passed
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau and Roberto et. al. Lopez-Gulliver. Riding the Net: A Novel, Intuitive and Entertaining Tool to Browse the Internet In SCI 2001 – 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
    Viale Marie-Laure and Rivet Jacques and Mollet-Viéville Ghislain. TOOL BOX. Nantes, France: Entre-deux, 2008.
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G and Anderson MACIEL and Henrique DEBARBA and Jeronimo G GRANDI and Luciana P NEDEL. WindWalker: using Wind as an orientation tool in virtual environments SVR 2009 – XI Symposium on Virtual And Augmented Reality (2009):
  • Presenting as Pioneer of micro computer art: “Small but Beautiful: The PC as a Tool for Artists”
  • Artist: Jack ToolinComment:
  • SimTunes -
    SimTunes is one of those wonderful programs that grows with the user. In essence, it is a paint program that doubles as a musical composition program--or vice versa. The user begins with a blank screen, or canvas and a variety of tools, paints, and