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  • Bio-Robotic Symbiosis -
    An integrated environment for animal-machine co-existence Bio-robotic symbiosis features a hexapod robot, two laboratory mice and the audience. The robot and the mice co-exist in a transparent plexiglass stand that is accessible to the audience. A
  • "Standby Deliver" - consists of steel plates facing each other and moving back and forth attached to activating motors. Underneath is a lit glass sugar molecule. Visitors have access to chewing gum, which they chew and stick to the plates, which
  • Bio-Biblion is the library of life. There are medical books, personnal objects mixed whith eletronical screens. One slide image appears and disappears on the wall. Just like memories which come and go. And one bowl with blood moving in the middle of
  • Systems Maintenance consists of three versions of a furnished room. An ensemble of life-sized furniture occupies a large circular platform on the floor, a virtual room is displayed on a computer monitor, and a 1/8 size physical scale model of the
  • Animal Accessories -
    " Animal Accessories" * performance concerns 2 artists. Pepi Kelaidi sews with a surgical suture Yiannis Melanitis' cheek, extending the thread through the back of a little bird which has been attached on a plexiglass mask. The procedure
  • ... scream via the program MAX MSP and responds with a...
  • This piece is contained inside of a "Biohazrd Tent", or isolation chamber. Inside of the tent are several I.V. drip bags for blood transfusions, delivery of drugs etc. Inside of each I.V. drip bag is a surgical glove which has been fitted with
  • Open Head
    Open Head is Marnix de Nijs’s first interactive installation. Engine-powered the machine rotates a monitor attached to an arm of steel, which can reach a top speed of 120 km/hour. A visible image only appears on the screen when it is transformed by
  • Elusive Self -
    ELUSIVE SELF A room installation which deals with the capacity of our brain to remember - and to forget, focusing on how we constantly revalue and recreate our relation to ourselves and to our past. Our memory is not like a printed book with an
  • Backpacks are a series of physical components with a button knob that can be attached to Topobo Actives to modify the way a recorded motion plays back. For instance, by turning the knob on the Bigger/Smaller Backpack, you can make you recorded