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  • Gijs Bakker was trained as a jewellery and industrial-designer at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and the Konstfack Skolen in Stockholm, Sweden. Bakker's designs cover jewellery, home accessories and household appliances,
  • Jorn Ebner was born in Bremerhaven, Germany in 1966 and lives in Berlin, Germany. He attended Universität Hamburg, Germany (1990-95), Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Italy (1997) and Central St Martins College of Art, London (1995-98). He has exhibited in
  • Bio (short) Agam (A.) Andreas [Andreas Maria Jacobs - NL 1956] studied experimental physics and musicology at the University of Amsterdam NL (BSc. 1978), electronic and computer music at the State University Utrecht NL (1981) and holds a BSc. in
  • The Tele-Actor -
    We are studying network-based systems that allow groups of users to "explore" live remote environments such as a rainforest, biotechnology lab, political rally, or rock concert. The "Tele-Actor" is a skilled human with cameras and microphones
  • Slippery Traces -
    Slippery Traces is a multi-linear visual narrative in which viewers navigate through a network of over 240 interconnected postcards classified into 24 categories or chapters. The intention of the work has been to explore database structures as a
  • ... The New School for Design, Platform21, Marcel Schmalgemeijer, Michael...
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    "Sensing Speaking Space", is an interactive installation that focuses on the notion of the "intelligent space", a space that knows you are there and reacts to the presence and movements of multiple spectators sensed through a custom camera tracking
  • ... installations, has been performed and exhibited internationally;...
  • ... Spaces in Cleveland, Ohio; New Forms Festival in Vancouver, BC; and at...
  • So.So.So. is an interactive installation by Maurice Benayoun that plunges the onlooker in the middle of the moment the one of photography which reveals a complex network of characteristic signs from our own experience of reality. What the visitor