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  • Nature II
    ...Ascott, Roy. Nature II In Esthétique des arts médiatiques, edited by L. PoissantVol.2. , 437-452. Quebec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, ...
  • ...Ascott, Roy. Télénoïa In Esthétique des arts médiatiques, edited by L. Poissant, 363-384. Quebec, CAN: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 1995.
  • ...Ascott, Roy. Technoetic Connectivity In Internet Art between Interacitvity, Void and Dis-Authorization, edited by N. Vlic, 63-67. Skopje: Soros...
  • ...Centre de Arts Actuels Skol, ed. L´installation. Pistes et Territoires. Montreal: Skol, 1997.
  • ... ed. Sugar´n Spice. Santa Monica: Long Beach Museum of Arts, 1993.
  • ... Prix Ars Electronica: International Compendium of the Computer Arts, edited by Christine Schöpf and Christian Schenk and Paul...
  • ... Rötzer. Photography after the Photography. London: G and B Arts International, 1996.