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  • Event: Permanent collection: "Phototropy"Institution: Shiroishi Multimedia Art CenterComment:
  • Event: Permanent collection: "Life Spacies" (online interaction)Institution: ICC (Intercommunication Center)Comment:
  • Event: Permanent collection: "Intro Act"Institution: Musée d'art contemporain de LyonComment:
  • Event: Permanent collection: "Interactive Plant Growing"Institution: Medienmuseum des ZKMComment:
  • Event: Permanent collection: "A-Volve"Institution: NTT Tokei (NHK Building Nagoya)Comment:
  • Huhtamo, Erkki. Peristrephic Pleasures, or the Origins of the Moving Panorama In Allegories of Communication: Intermedial Concerns from Cinema to the Digital, edited by Jan Olsson and John Fullerton, 215-248. Rome: John Libbey, 2004.
  • Event: Peripheries become the centerInstitution: Prague BiennialComment:
  • In Peripheral Trajectory you stand with your upper body in a horizontal cylinder while 3D images are projected on its surface. The work completely absorbs you and gives you an intense full-body experience of pure motion by projecting images in your...
  • Event: Peripheral Look and Collective BodyInstitution: Museion BozenComment:
  • Perhaps -
    This is the first poem written specifically for Internet 2. The poem is a world with 24 avatars, each a different word. Each reader, in order to read the poem, must establish his or her own presence in this textworld through a verbal avatar. As...