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Greenhouse is a generative data visualization installation. The work is inspired by the problems of Taiwan and is based on the survey and analysis of big data. We gather and compile the big data from over seven hundred thousand fan pages on social
Dreidger, Sharon Doyle. George Bures Miller and Janet Cardiff : "we´ve always been close artistically. Part of our dating process was collaboration on a film" Maclean´s 114, no. 52 (December 2001): 38.
Preece, Jenny and Yvonne Rogers and Helen Sharp. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2002.
... light projected into immersive underwater depthness. Killer Whale (Orcinus Orca), one...
Brook, Tony and Adrian Shaughnessy, ed. Supergraphics. London, UK: United Edition, 2010.
Shaviro, Steve. Future Past: Zoe Beloff´s Beyond Artbyte Magazine 1, no. 3 (1998).
Octopus -A large inflatable structure in form of an octopus was inflated inside the museum - the people there dragged about and entangled themselves in its long tentacles (25m). The work was made for the start of activities by de Stichting.
Pneutube -A large transparent inflatable tube the public could enter and which, depending on the context of presentation, functioned as an expanded cinema and performance environment, playful interactive space and architectual corridor.
Banz & Bowinkel, Ivana Bašić, Paul Chan, Frauke Dannert, Harun Farocki, Olga Fedorova, Johann Kniep, Marc Lee, Manuel Roßner, Gerriet K. Sharma, Jakob Kudsk Steensen, Addie Wagenknecht In autumn 2018, the Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien will
A row of three large parachutes were fixed around their perimeter to the floor and continuously inflated with air. A light bulb above each parachute was the only illumination in the installation, and they were individually activated by the pitch and