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    Imagine an optical device with a sensory field of 8 meters to 60 centimeters. Fixed to the wall, this mirror is programmed to constantly measure and react to your distance from it. At 8 meters it will be convex, at 60 centimeters it will be concave
  • Fundador y director de y Daft Gallery. Sociólogo especializado en la relación entre el arte y las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación 2.0. es una iniciativa independiente para promover y apoyar el Net.Art y el Arte
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Christian Bohn and Wolfgang Strauss. Visiones liquidas, el espejo virtual de Narciso In Contaminaciones: del videoarte al multimedia, edited by Jorge La FerlaBuenos Aires: Libros del Rojas, 1997.
  • Gangvik, Espen and Philip Beesley, ed. 2012 META.MORF A MATTER OF FEELING, Essay by Philip Beesley. Trondheim: TEKS Publishing, 2012.
  • 2010 MNBA National Museum of Fine Arts “Magic Eye – Dissolving Borders” a communication project by Sommerer & Mignonneau from September 7th 2010 curator: Esperanza Rapport Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria on the occasion of
  • Alcalá Mellado, José Ramón and Virginia Paniagua. Metáforas visuales de la ciudad digital actual, dos décadas después In La ciudad Digital; esperanzas, riesgos y desilusiones en las redes., edited by Col. Estudios #145, 157-190. Cuenca, Spain:
  • Abbado, Adriano. Il Festival di Arte Elettronica di Camerino: la mia esperienza. (2018).
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Electra’96, edited by A. EsperøOslo, Norway: Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, 1996.
    The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is an interactive art object that combines real-time audio and video synthesis processing with physical interaction. The DEFENDEX-ESPGX is designed to simulate the look and feel of 1950's technology. The content draws on nostalgic
    Event: QUARXSInstitution: CINANIMA, Jose Abel Award EspinhoComment: