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  • Galloway, Alexander. The Exploit: A Theory of Networks. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2007.
  • Spanish artist who has evolved over time towards video art and later in based on the sculpture. This way, his works moving from traditional scuptural concepts to the use of new technologies, he moved from photography to video art, followed
  • David Link is a media artist and researcher. Between 2009 and 2011 he was Chair for Experimental Technologies in the Art Context at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig. In 2004, he wrote his PhD in philosophy at Humboldt-University Berlin, and the
  • Thomas Dreher. History of Computer Art VI. Net Art: Networks, Participation, Hypertext VI.3 Net Art in the Web
  • Event: Art Futura 2009: From Virtual Reality to Social NetworksInstitution: Art FuturaComment:
  • Event: Banquete. Nodes and networksInstitution: ZKM - Center for Art and MediaComment:
  • Event: Banquete. Nodes and Networks / Banquete. Nodos y redesInstitution: ZKM - Center for Art and MediaComment:
  • Pat Badani (b. Argentina) draws from the fields of media art, science, and technology to explore the intersectionality of environmental and social issues. She often uses 'food' to create artistic arguments that blend aesthetics and criticism,
  • .. "So instead of writing about meaning production, I empower the exploration of meta-meaning processes that arise via self-directed engagement" ..
  • Event: World of NetworksInstitution: Centre PompidouComment: