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  • ... then the material has been reworked to draw out and highlight the complex paths that individual flakes follow. The artist plays with a kind of temporal depth of field in which moving objects are in focus and things that are still are blurred, and...
  • Smart Tools -
    ... and inform the user through haptic sensation. In the situation that the scalpel is in the proximity of vital tissues such as arteries or a pulsing heart, the SmartTool protects them from damage by sensing them and generating a repulsive force that can be...
  • Genesis -
    ...Event: GenesisInstitution: Museo Nacional de Bellas ArtesComment:
  • ...Event: The Future Of The FutureInstitution: Circulo de Bellas ArtesComment:
  • ...Event: Bienal de Artes Visuais do MercosulInstitution: Fundação Bienal do MercosulComment:
  • ...Event: MNBA, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago de ChileInstitution: University of the Arts BerlinComment:
  • One Man Show -
    ...Event: One Man ShowInstitution: Museo Nacional de Bellas ArtesComment:
  • One Man Show -
    ...Event: One Man ShowInstitution: Museo Nacional de Bellas ArtesComment:
  • ...As an artery of international trade and a crucial part of the global economy, sea born trade routes are heavily monitored by various technologies that enforce regulations and detect irregular activities. The types of economic activities in question are often described...
  • ... of communication and culture at the Sorbonne. He obtained its MBA in philosophy and PhD. in sociology. A multi-media artist and creator of "sociological art" (1971), he initiated many public participation projects with radio, television and print...