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  • in collaboration with Masayuki Towata. The observer is confronted with the dark surface of a half-mirrored glass on which blinking red LED lights and the observer’s own image is reflected. Within a short time, blue shafts of light begin to radiate
  • Stupid Robot -
    Designed to annoy, reminiscent of a legless beggar, Stupid Robot shakes a can of metal parts noisily when approached.
  • MELT -
    Melt is a kinetic surface designed to undergo distortions in function of the weight, position and actions of the visitors. Melt consists of 50 nautical aluminum polished plates, aligned with and connected to one-another by a system of linear
  • Wilson, Ian. Shakespear: Unlocking: The mysteries of the man and his work. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999.
  • A simple kinetic machine. the pages flip over continually. The red text reads: "These cloud capped towers, these gorgeous palaces..." (From the Prospero's epilogue, The Tempest, Wiliam Shakespeare.)
  • Shakespeare Machine is a permanent artwork in the lobby of the Public Theater in New York City. It was commissioned by the Department of Cultural Affairs’ Percent-for-Art program and the Public Theater. It was opened to the public in October, 2012.
  • Hackett, Helen. Shakespeare and Elizabeth: The meeting of two myths. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 2009.
  • Event: A Shakespeare Accelerator exhibitionInstitution: Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC), Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteComment:
  • All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players -- Shakespeare. World Stage, uses digital representations of global species of butterflies to animate the powerful iconography of worldwide flags. In a year when national, political
  • curlybot -
    curlybot is an toy that can record and playback physical motion. As one plays with it, it remembers how it has been moved and can replay that movement with all the intricacies of the original gesture; every pause, acceleration, and even the shaking