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  • Plot [English title, Project outline #11 to #15] Series 'Body Scanned Architecture' The work series 'Projektskizzen' was developed in 2001, based on the interactive computer environment 'Body Scanned Architecture', which was realized in the Austrian
  • Conclusive Evidence -
    Conclusive Evidence is the title of one of Vladimir Nabokov's novels, which deals with his experience of emigration. In the Russian version, which appeared a few years later, the same novel was called Other Shores. This play on the titles is all the
  • Traumliege -
    ... coded, the codes interchangeable. Porn is the dream of...
  • Quotes -
    Print on circuit board The 'Quotes' series brings forward questions regarding research ethics and responsibility in science. Landscape format PCB blanks become image carriers; their motifs and quotations, composed in monochrome black or white, had
  • ›Larger than Life‹ - is the title of the festival 2003. The European Media Art Festival (EMAF) invites experts in arts, cultur, oeconomy and also interested public to get an overview abuut the latest trends and present developments in the field of
  • Presented paper "Virtual Borders and Surveillance in the Digital Age :: Visit-US" and screened 3D computer animation, "Visit-US," at ISEA 2008. SESSION TITLE: BORDER RECKONINGS, BORDER CROSSINGS 2 (CHAIR: FLORIAN SCHNEIDER)
  • Exhibit title: #fuckreality
  • Der entfesselte Blick -
    [English title, "The unleashed gaze"]
  • Brot und Spiele -
    English title, 'Bread and Circuses'
  • The Undivided Mind -
    Title of paper and presentation: Fields of Networked Mind: Ritual Consciousness and the Factor of Communitas in Networked Rites of Compassion