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  • ... information and network society, experimental cinema and video art. He critically investigates the issues of contemporary art... of Media and Audiovisual Culture. Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź. 2001 – 2006: Professor of Media Art and Media Theory,...
  • Laberint -
    ...Laberint is a single-channel video based on the Platonic myth that woman and man were once one androgynous form. Live-action and computer... (TVC), the City of Barcelona and Animatica S.A., as part of a series of works about the city of Barcelona. (Rebecca...
  • ...Assmann, Peter. Über das Skulpturale in der Videoskulptur In Objekt : Video, Ausstellungskatalog, edited by Oberösterreichische...
  • Lake_Shinji -
    ... and so on, were gatherd to collect their persnal positions and video data on the days 27th, 28th of July, 2002. Project realised with... days 27th, 28th of July, 2002. Project realised with Shimane Art Museum in Matsue. Part of the images were collected in realtime at...
  • ...Kisseleva, Olga. Indomitable Women. Barcelona, ES: Video Art World, 2010. Kisseleva, Olga. Indomitable Women. Barcelona, ES: Video Art World, 2010.
  • ...Marcello Mercado Live streamings from Dolmens, 2011 HD single channel video, 17min 35sec stereo 16:9 black/white/colour... stereo 16:9 black/white/colour DNA-performance-installation- soundart (LIVE) 19/06/11 14:17 PM Dolmen2: 54° 44´23.99" N 11° 47´23.36" E...
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. O Sentir Eletrônico Revista Fórum Bhz Vídeo, Ed. Littera Maciel 2 (1994): 32-40.
  • ...nce for cello, grand piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance cameras, live video mixing and projection. Two instruments accompany a silent movie....
  • Recombinant Figure -
    ...Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one computer, using simulated recombinant...
  • ...The goal was to save video material threatened with disappearance and to rescue forgotten material. The project succeeded in retrieving a large... number of videos from the 1960s and 1970s, believed lost, from artists, estates, and museum storerooms; restoring them, and, in many...