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  • ... with the words: " and its groundbreaking interfaces create cognitive and data-related structures. What has...
  • ... eye is an omnivore and so constantly feeding the corresponding brain cells with loads of information. Only later the important is...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... a bit to the right or left. That's about it. There’s no fancy interface to enter, no sophisticated movements or gestures to learn or...
  • Homes
    ... examine details of the interiors by using a simple computer interface. In the present version of the installation, three interiors...
  • ... This artwork has received the Human Interface Award / Phaenomenale / Science & Art Festival / Phaeno...
  • The Fox -
    ...A live performance and ‘game’ interface, which sought to provoke and subvert audience experiences and expectations of power, pleasure and...
  • ...Can we know insects through electronic and artistic interfaces? Do they know us? Can they experience art? Can we develop new relationships with...
  • ... of current objects of research: from self-experiments in a brain scanner, the reconstruction of crime scenes through 3D...
  • ...Images of our brain, captured with the means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), assist neuro-scientists to decipher the mechanisms...
  • ... with elusive states of consciousness and the translation of brain activity measurements into rhythms. With this body of work I am...