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  • Overview The Work "Navigating and Negotiating Sound Architectures of the Night" is a major evocative multi-media black box theatre work. Its hybrid form includes 3d architectonic models that are both virtual and physical; digital video; a generative
  • After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans and Eve Clone — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar
  • Making of Eve Clone I -
    In the video Making of Eve Clone I, I looked back and represented the process of me creating Eve Clone and the evolution of her body in each period. From the original drafting of Eve Clone, which recorded my inspiration of drawings, to using
  • After Pey-Chwen Lin completed the “Making of Eve Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans and Eve Clone — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar
  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • ADA Artist Interview with Victor AcevedoArchive of Digital Art, November 2021Full text and interview by Alejandro Quiñones on ADA: are your current
  • Virtual Book -
    Virtual Book : Augmentation of a real book boosted by semantic text analysis. The Virtual Book (2006) The concept of the book as an interactive knowledge structure was inspired by Marvin Minsky's vision from the early 1990s. He said, "Can you
  • Hauser, Jens. Greenness: Sketching the Limits of a Normative Fetish In The Aesthetics of Necropolitics, edited by Natasha LushetichVol.4. Experiments/On the Political, , 97-118. London: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2018.
  • I agree : 1. To obtain or receive (something) on loan with the promise or understanding of returning it or its equivalent. 2. To adopt or use as one's own: I borrowed your polygon I am giving you back the fundamental transformation. 3. To take a
  • "Poverty Island with video Skies" is the beginning of an exploration of the integration of video images into a virtual environment. This integration will allow me to combine a long-standing interest in the evocative similarities of the forms and