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  • SimTunes -
    SimTunes is one of those wonderful programs that grows with the user. In essence, it is a paint program that doubles as a musical composition program--or vice versa. The user begins with a blank screen, or canvas and a variety of tools, paints, and
  • Born 1977 in Düsseldorf, Germany Since 1998 Freelance Programmer 1999 - 2001 Computer Science at the University of Cologne, Germany 2002 - 2007 Media Art at the Academy of Media Arts Cologne Germany, Diploma 2007 Research assistant,
  • ClearBoard -
    ClearBoard is designed to integrate interpersonal space and shared workspace seamlessly. A design goal of ClearBoard is to allow a pair of users to shift easily between interpersonal space and shared workspace using familiar everyday cues such as
  • Artist/academic. She studied an MsC in information technology applied to arts at Chalmers University of Technology and a PhD in Digital arts and experimental media at University of Washington. She has published articles in journals such as Artnodes,
  • Twenty years ago, Mary Louise Pratt proposed the notion of a “contact zone” as a place where culture is negotiated and challenged. Art can bridge or destabilize disciplines and methods in ways that reframe histories and bring new insights. Still, on
  • Syracuse Tree -
    In this piece, while observing the effects of new technology, Olga Kisseleva has singled out the conditioning of behaviour at the heart of complex systems on the local as well as the global scale. Her interventions, which are strictly related to
  • Dark Matter - video
    Dark Matter: The darkened gallery space is dominated by an invisible sculpture of silent sound. Your body probes the space listening for the sculpture's spatial form to be expressed though the sounds of your contact with its immaterial presence.
  • Sound is a musical and visual stereo virtual reality environment designed for Tracking The Net and a multi-user platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. The application has been designed to host interactive teams, which can
  • Goldin+Senneby (since 2004) is a framework for collaboration set up by artists Simon Goldin and Jakob Senneby; exploring juridical, financial and spatial constructs through notions of the performative and the virtual. Their collaboration started
  • Machine Winks is a dance performance between a dancer and an interactive mechanical partner. After some sketches were made during the ‘Synergy’ workshop organised by The Krisztina de Châtel Dance Company, Productiehuis Rotterdam (Rotterdamse