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  • Seigo Matsuoka is Director of the Editorial Engineering Laboratory. Born in Kyoto in 1944, Matsuoka graduated from Waseda University School of Letters. He founded the publishing house Kosakusha and began publishing Object Magazine in 1971. As
  • City Sonics #8 -
    27.08-12.09.2010 Machine a Eau, Mons Belgium Philippe Franck, Artistic Director presented project by LAb[au]: binary waves, mode: sound installation 2x540kHz, sound installation by Mika Vainio and LAb[au] about the festival Willing to
  • Tunnel -
    The coal tunnel has no architecture. Its walls consist of the stuff the mine produces. It has no exterior, an interior shaped by the task for which it is intended, surfaces that are nothing but raw materials, and a shape that must follow the coal
  • Grass - video
    The original programming language "GRASS" (GRAphics Symbiosis System) was developed by Thomas DeFanti for his Ph.D. dissertation at The Ohio State University in 1974. For further information, see Wayne Carlson, Historical Significance In 1969, the
  • Mental imMigration is a collective networked environment which allows on a playful level experiental approaches to new forms of global teleworking. This work requires from teleworkers a mental, immaterial migration in another cultural logic. This
  • RESPONSIVE WORKBENCH : THINKING BY HAND 1993 The Responsive Workbench is an evolution of the interactive table interface in Berlin-Cyber City, which inspired physicist Wolfgang Krüger's Responsive Workbench idea. The first prototype was created in
  • Nancy Buchanan is a Los Angeles-based artist whose practice includes installation, drawing/mixed media, performance and video. Politically outspoken against nuclear war and American international policies, Buchanan began performing in the 70s during
  • Blow Up records, amplifies, and projects human breath into a room-sized field of wind. The installation comprises two devices. The first is a rectangular array of twelve small impellers, which stands on a table on one side of the gallery. This small
  • Adrianne Wortzel has worked in the field of robotic and telerobotic art for over five decades. Her works combine historic and cultural perspectives with fictive narrative to deploy that considered mix in several genres: robotic and telerobotic
  • Professor Eleanor Gates-Stuart’s professional practice extends a variety of experience, particularly in research and teaching leadership, relating to the sciences, technology, communication and arts, working in partnership with major research