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  • ... hope and seeks to express democracy and freedom...
  • Cologne OFF, 2012 -
    ... Arte Actual, Mexico City, Mexico (18 & 19...
  • ... Art, Bogota; and in Mexico City at the Museum of...
  • ScanLink can be described as walking the web backwards. The underlying topology of connectedness, such as popularity and power distribution, is shown through a reverse traversal of links for any given web page. Using ScanLink the user can select a
  • ... performance art to express personal emotions and...
  • ... link Cyberspace with Mexico’s most emblematic...
  • ... System (Level 1) in Mexico, and Chair of the...
  • ... & Christa Sommerer - Mexico City, Mexico
  • Animal Locomotion -
    In Animal Locomotion (1996-2000), which began with drawings made from Muybridge's photographs of figures in motion, the viewer interactively changes the configuration of the site through interactive image manipulation. The server keeps track of the
  • This year, EMAF’s congress – under the motto "European Digital Visions" – focused on the cultural self-image of our mediatised society including the i2tv live Demonstrator session with six on-line participants, on-site audience and the on-site