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  • Riot -
    Alternative web browser: The Tompkins Square riots and the state sponsored enforcement of gentrification in New York's East Village in the '90s inspired Riot, an alternative browser that crosses the virtual boundaries in the web. Riot breaks the
  • Extensions -
    Extensions (1999-2000) was my contribution to a group project called "Reaching", which set out to look at networking as a metaphor for various ways of communicating or of "reaching" from one point or person to another. The other artists were Susan
  • I’m a Digital Artist & Graphic Designer from Cairo,Egypt. Most of my artworks are currently classified as portraits (Digital Portraits). My artwork is a product of improvisation and listening to a music track while working on each piece...
  • I"TV : INTERACTIVE IMMERSIVE TV 1999 / 01 i2tv is a model for an electronic arena that explores a new form of live artistic production integrating on-line participants with participants at a real physical location. Participants take part in a
  • Ceci n'est pas un nike talks about on line creation and its conditions. Its point of departure is the conceptual confusion between interface and surface. Magritte's pipes are its strongest referencs and it updates the discussion about
  • Sea-Changes -
    In Sea-Changes (1997-98) artists age 50 or over, from a variety of disciplines, were invited to submit personal biographical materials to a common database. The original idea was to have them use that database as a basis from which create fictional
  • The Dark Pool -
    Internetproject, have a look at
  • Seed/Tree - video
    SEED /TREE (2005) Installation/Butoh Performance/Live Electronics This project was created during an “artist in residence” program at the ZKM (Centre for Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany). Feelings, associations, mental images and spontaneous
  • 1,4..19 -
    Animal experimentation is a common practice for people. We have used the standard metaphor of a mouse in a labyrinth to study the mechanics of how reality of shaped. The mouse is rigidly influenced by its own unrealized reality. We observe how it
  • Landschaft 2.0 -
    Event: Landschaft 2.0Institution: Edith Russ SiteComment: