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  • 5,06' The round-shaped form in the process of constant transformation is based on the idea of...
  • ... subversive, artistic statements, in the form of installations, videos and DIY packages....
  • ... on which projects the worms and tree forms onto the walls and ceiling. The tubefex...
  • SandScape -
    ... model. The users can alter the form of the landscape model by manipulating sand...
  • ... an original, immersive, site-specific art form. Museum visitors who wish to «do» Cardiff’s...
  • DoWhatDo -
    ...DoWhatDo is a method in which expertise in the form of a knowledge model was set into a conversational.
  • ... death, regeneration. In its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In...
  • Pins -
    ... in which the materiality and surface form become tangible portals into the digital...
  • ...Silvers Alter took the form of a large projection of 22 men and women. This population of people was...
  • A-Volve - video
    ... of the virtual creature is decided by its form, how the viewer was designing it on the touch...