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  • Crystal Math. 1-channel video, 5.1 sound, 5000 m nylon-wire With thousands of meters of nylon threat Sylvia Eckermann produced a spider web that serves as the captivating projection screen for her "expressive verbal image" (Sabine Dreher) with which
  • Portrait on the Fly – Video Portraits ©2015, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer represented by: DAM Galerie Berlin, Galerie Charlot Paris GPL contemporary Vienna This is an ongoing digital archive which consists of short video sequences where
  • Weibel, Peter. Das Institut für Neue Medien In Erlkönigs Erben, Perspektiven der Medienkunst, edited by Sabine Voggenreiter, 75-81. Köln, DE: 235 Media, 1993.
  • Lanfranco Aceti works as an academic, artist and curator and is the founder of The Studium: Lanfranco Aceti Inc. He is the founder and Director of OCR (Operational and Curatorial Research in Contemporary Art, Design, Science and Technology) and
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Medienkunst als Wissenskunst / Medial Arts as Knowledge Arts. In Wissenkünste! Das Wissen der Kunst und die Kunst zu wissen / The Knowledge of the Arts and the Art of Knowledge, edited by Sabine Flach and
  • Perthold, Sabine. Humanist der Telecommunication Bühne (June 6th 1994).
  • Hochrieser, Sabine and Franz Thalmair and Cont3xt.Net and Michael Kargl, ed. Curating Media/Net/Art: Circulating Contexts. Norderstedt: Books on Demand, 2007.
  • Schmidt, Sabine Maria. be prepared! tiger! Article Artist´s Homepage.
  • Huhtamo, Erkki. Thinkering with Media: On the Art of Paul DeMarinis In Paul DeMarinis: Buried in Noise, edited by Ingrid Beirer and Sabine Himmelsbach and Carsten Seiffairth, 33-46. Heidelberg/Berlin: Kehrer, 2010.
  • Curated by Allison Collins in collaboration with Carrie Edinger and Srimoyee Mitra. Presented in partnership with the New Media Caucus. Human migration is a defining issue of the 21st century, often calling into question the relevance, role, and