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  • SelfieSaoPaulo -
    ... they present their self-portraits, including face expressions, poses, colors, filters used, body styles etc. To allow us better see...
  • An Explicit Volume -
    ... juxtapositions of body parts are created. Over time it is possible to assemble fragments into a kind of coherence but to create...
  • ... to the process of connecting through data via the Web, and poses the questions of how the image of borders is conveyed by the...
  • ... to the process of connecting through data via the Web, and poses the questions of how the image of borders is conveyed by the...
    ... the real and the simulated, the bodily and technological, that poses questions of oscillations between appearance and disappearance,...
  • Pine Family -
    ... support understood to exist within tree communities, and poses the question: what can we learn from trees and the importance of...
  • ... of Eve Clone II. They convey that the facial proportions and poses of Eve Clone are similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s portrayal of a...
  • ... of Eve Clone II. They convey that the facial proportions and poses of Eve Clone are similar to Leonardo da Vinci’s portrayal of a...
  • ...Event: Pensar el Arte. Corrientes Cálidas y Frías a partir de la posguerraInstitution: Laesfera AzulComment:
  • ... and Alejandro Schianchi. El error en los aparatos audiovisuales como posibilidad estética. : Universidad del Cine /, 2014.