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  • zgodlocator -
    ... of a computer’s hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In Zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer...
  • Zero@wavefunction installation and interactivity is based on the way a nanoscientist manipulates an individual molecule (billions of times smaller than common human experience) projected on a monumental scale. When a person passes by, they cast a
  • Zero Noon
    ... some of them fun. The actual metrics are chosen by the artist studio but the collector is also able to add statistics to the...
  • Zero City -
    “Zero City” is a number of elevator shafts of different length. Their spatial structure resembles a city where the role of each building is to move in a vertical direction. All the elevators are programmed the same way and act as a pack carrying out
  • ... on large rice paper screen, while learning about Zen, Japanese art, and themselves. The artist guides visitors toward an altered...
  • ...Statement of the artist Peter Weibel: "I am holding a speech about the end of time. At the same time blood runs out of my arm into a glas...
  • ..."I am an artist, researcher, hacker dedicated to exploring new modes of expression and play."
  •, born 1970, studied music and composition at Chugye University for the Arts, continued his studies at the art academy for media in Cologne....
  • ...Chen Yun-Ju is a New Media Artist from Taiwan. Her interests include art and technology, philosophy, interactive media, and embodiment. Her work...
  • Artist: Yu-Chuan TsengComment: