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  • Website MMM -
    The web site MMM is based on the work-in-progress (The) Bride Descending a Staircase, developed by Simone Michelin, in Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro (BR), Philadelphia and New York (US), from 1989 to 1999. The series had a latter version created for
  • Reality Sucks -
    A site-specific telescope that manipulates reality.
  • The Spectrascope -
    The gallery installation of The Spectrascope consists of a large scale projection of the image updating in real-time accompanied by the 'fear frequency'*. This is an audio frequency of 19hz, which is just below the range of normal
  • The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history
  • The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history
  • anet Cardiff's contribution to #10101 is a «Video Walk,» an original, immersive, site-specific art form. Museum visitors who wish to «do» Cardiff’s piece are given a small digital camcorder equipped with stereo headphones. It contains a tape
  • Blast -
    From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to explore contemporary texts and images and their accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in terms of a publication, investigating the changing
  • Suspension
    Contemporary spaces are dynamic combinations of the real and the virtual. They are accessed, ordered, and navigated under the conditions of various online and offline protocols. These protocols include computer formats and settings, social codes and
  • Urban Simulation -
    The Furp ("Future of Urban Planning") project exists as a first step toward disseminating the work undertaken in the Luminous Room project into the world at large. Specifically, we are engaged in a collaboration with MIT's Department of Urban
  • pinwheels -
    The pinwheels project continues the study of Ambient Fixtures to communicate digital information at the periphery of human perception through ambient media. This project takes fields of pinwheels and explores what arrangements create interfaces that