Archive Search

  • As a pioneer project in the field of Media Art research and preservation, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (ADA) has been striving to document the rapidly evolving field of "digital born" art since 1999. The ever growing collection and vast overview of
  • ARCO-El Mundo, Online Exhibition, ARCO Art Fair, Madrid
  • Arcs21 -
    Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s, Arcs21 offers the user the possibilities of research, playing and co-creation: browserspace is translated into a realtime artwork which is freely available over the
  • ArsRss -
    ArsRSS re-reads between approximately 100 art and new media related RSS feeds twice-daily, caches the feeds and completely re-writes its database of words found in the feeds. This makes for fast response times both for searching across feeds and for
  • Wilson, William. Art Goes Online and Becomes Intimate Los Angeles Times (August 12th 1995).
  • Art Impact, Collective Retinal Memory includes several parallel subject matters. The exposition La Beauté en Avignon ('Beauty in Avignon') constitutes the work’s material. The public online or in the Pompidou Centre can actually see some
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    The project, based in cyberspace, enables new cybernetic identities, known as cyb-ids, to emerge and flourish as the result of viewer interaction at the public interface. Cyb-ids are multimedia clusters drawn from the identity profiles of invited
  • Event: Arte OnlineInstitution: Companhia Telefônica de São PauloComment:
  • ArtFem.TV
    ArtFem.TV is an online television programming presenting Art and Feminism. The aim of ArtFem.TV is to foster Women in the Arts, their art works and projects, to create an international online television screen for the creativity, images and voices
  • Sandor, Ellen and Janine Fron. Artists Team Up for the Future: Behind the Scenes of Making Art in the 21st Century (art)n web site (2002).