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  • Bill, Max. Die mathematische Denkweise in der Kunst unserer Zeit. : 1949.
  • Shannon, Claude Elwood and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Champaign, IL: University of Ilinois Press, Urbana III, 1949.
  • Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, 2011: "Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss undertook their joint, creative actions in combined fields of art and science in late 1980s. (...) We can say that the art of Fleischmann and Strauss has developed in parallel
  • Turing, Alan. Computing Machinery and Intelligence Mind 59, no. 236 (1950): 433-460.
  • Dr Paul Thomas, is Professor of Fine Arts at, UNSW Art and Design, UNSW Sydney. Thomas initiated and is the co-chair of the Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference series since 2010. In 2000 Paul instigated and was the founding Director of the Biennale
  • 1973 first video experiments; in the 1980s starts a video program at the Cornish College of the Arts; since 1985 lives in Seattle (USA). Gary Hill is one of the most important contemporary artists investigating the relationships between words,
  • An Australian electronic musician, video artist and electronic engineer. "I have been active in video production since 1974. My first involvement was with Bush Video and the Paddington Video Access Centre where I learnt video editing and technical
  • Bill Viola has been instrumental in the establishment of video as a vital form of contemporary art, and in so doing has helped to greatly expand its scope in terms of technology, content, and historical reach. For 40 years he has created videotapes,
  • McLuhan, Marshall. The Mechanical Bride. NY: The Vanguard Press, 1951.
  • Born in Washington, DC. Lives and works in Baitz and Berlin/Germany. Since 1990 director and founder of a Berlin-based art group called Die Audio Gruppe. Mostly known for incorporating loudspeakers into clothes, like ballerina tutus (AUDIO