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  • sens:less -
    sense:less is a place for humans to experience a stranger alternate reality. Through VR technology and a custom made body suit sense:less puts the user in a multi-sensory environment. This is a dramatic space, influenced by theatre, and the
  • Nano -
    Two UCLA professors-media and net artist Victoria Vesna and nanoscience pioneer James Gimzewski-are at the forefront of the intersection of art and science. Their groundbreaking project, 'NANO', now on view at the Los Angeles County Museum
  • A world premier of Stanza’s “Robotica: Control inside the panopticon” at The Victoria And Albert Museum, London. A playful robot installation - with performative and interactive aspects - that questions ideas of surveillance and tracking in popular
  • Roaming -
    This experimentation starts from appropriation of small chips present inside those mobile phone charms that light up when a call comes in. In a panel, light is literally launched to the invisible radiation that comes from the mobiles and invades our
  • In the virtual-reality "Inherent Rights, Vision Rights" the participant explores a sacred ceremony in a traditional West Coast Native Canadian long house. The long house is occupied by music, fire and spirits, which the participant can interact
  • off-sense 2006 -
    The physical space of the gallery becomes entangled with the navigable space of the virtual environment in “Off-sense”. This sprawling installation of computer hardware provides access to a virtual world, where avatars float, roam and communicate
  • ADA Artist Interview with Lin Pey ChwenArchive of Digital ArtText & Interview by Alejandro Quiñones are your current projects?I will continue working
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • Cloud Murmurs -
    This project collects sound recordings taken in different datacenters, rooms where we store our data, websites and sensitive informations, as big clouds following us everywhere. Clouds seems to us intangible and impalpable, silent, due to their
  • By 1994, EMAF had already evolved into one of the largest annual events for innovative experimental works in the areas of film, video and interactive projects. Compared to the created reality of television and the colourful media design of digital