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  • n0time -
    ... develops ways in which visualization of social networks...
  • Fugitive -
    ... an impressionistic visual experience based in a...
  • TRIAD HyperDance -
    ... the choreography and the visual design are built to a...
  • ... use them to generate and download corresponding image and...
  • ... black steel box in our studio that is accessible via the...
  • Mori -
    ... drives an embedded visual display and immersive...
  • ... CONTINUUM is an audiovisual interpretation of the dance... illusions recorded in a studio are made parallel,...
  • ... c'est-à-dire que sa visualisation est constamment... pour ARTIFICES 2 dans les studios de Videosystem à Paris,...
  • ... it creates an audio visual space texture as a coding...
  • ... order to view your own visual route in the collective...