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  • ... written down and interpreted, the installation is the final meaningless terminus for messages that have traveled around the world... memory or understanding of the messages displayed. Unless the signals are observed, written down and interpreted, the installation...
  • ... presented in the Key Code Section. This was a way to nest meaning where things could both be a word with meanin,g and then a... in a shaft of light, hands twist in slow motion, a figure signals with flags on a train track. Seaman writes that he "explores...
  • Campos | Temporales (2022 - 2023) by Paul Hertz is a large-scale architectural video installation created for 150 Media Stream in Chicago, featuring a musical composition by Christopher Walczak during its opening night.
  • ... the content displayed on the screen. This latter functionality signals the availability of close-up sequences within the global...
  • ... how electron microscopes work and their method of recording measured signals in the two-dimensional field through complex... microscopes work and their method of recording measured signals in the two-dimensional field through complex algorithmic...
  • ... level of being: that of the reptile, live among snakes, what means to stimulate life in some level of dream and imagination. By... body and the technologies, by mixing artificial and biological signals. Interfaces and algorithmic processes expand cognitive...
  • ... such as, for example, the BCI -Brain Computer Interface-, measuring brain waves activity. She has been artist-in-residence ... to performances and installations interacting with biomedical signals via the usage of interfaces such as, for example, the BCI...
  • ... environment, where an electronic Babel of satellites, radio signals, text messages and security frequencies vibrate with an...
  • ... Barcelona, 2016; Centre Art Lo Pati, Amposta, 2017), Remote Signals (Iberofest Festival, Tallinn, 2016), Extimacy. Art, intimacy...
  • ... the virtual stage. For the live production of the show, the signals from the studio camera in Baden-Baden are connected via the...