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  • Soundcities -
    Description of Soundcities project. This interactive website called allows the audience as creative user the possibility to remix the hundreds of samples recorded from around the world and then save their own mix. Soundcities is
  • Conversation Map -
    conversation map, 2000 Website built with the Java and Perl programming languages Conversation Map summarises and visualises very large-scale conversations which take place online in mailing
  • A -
    date | place APR 26 - JUN 18, 2000 Hayward Gellery, London, UK tech spec speaker HHB Circle 5 8 power amplifier non-specific 4 8ch HD playback system AKAI DR8 1 white wall non-specific 2 white
  • Documentary
  • JAN 28 - MAY 21, 2000 ICC, Tokyo, JP AUG 23 - SEP 26, 2003 Voormalig Gerechtsgebouw, Utrecht, NL concept, composition: Ryoji Ikeda commissioned by NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC), 2000
  • Lagoglyph
    The Lagoglyphs are a series of artworks in different media in which Eduardo Kac creates a visual language and form of writing that he describes as "rabbitographic". The series references Kac's project GFP Bunny (2000)—also known as Alba, the green
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    Voteauction* was a Website which offered US citizens to sell their presidential vote to the highest bidder during the Presidential Elections 2000, Al Gore vs. G.W. Bush. Several US States (Missouri, Wisconsin, Chicago, Arizona, Nevada,
  • A revolutionary Poetry Book, programmed in Web Based VRML and conceived for immersion. Texts translated from "Vite de la Banane", available at the New York Public Library, and the urbana Champaign Library of Illinois. Read by the author. The
  • Over more than two decades, Simon Penny has pursued the simultaneous development of Interactive Artworks and the design and construction of technologies for Embodied Interaction, utilising Machine Vision and Robotics technologies. This has involved
  • Sauna01-02 - video
    Sauna_01 #1, realized at the San Francisco Electronic Music Festival 2000, consists of a 10 x 14' enclosed room within which is positioned a 4 x 8' tank-a half cylinder resembling what Sponge termed a "cargo cult MRI chamber." The Sauna tube is