Archive Search

  • Light from Tomorrow -
    ... as part of the group exhibition Edge Conditions. The lightbox in San Jose responds...
  • ... consists of a surveillance camera at the edge of a mirror-clad triangular prism. The camera...
  • ... area out to neighboring villages at the edge of the Black Forest. The entire tram...
  • ... by an interactive interface prepared for download unique manipulated images thanks to 15...
  • ... upward, trembling and rotating around the edge of the iron spiral. The movement of the...
  • ... keywords are then used to search and download the corresponding images from the...
  • Morpho Tower -
    ... up, trembling and rotating around the edge of the iron spiral. This new technique is...
  • Global Direct -
    ... possesses more expansive tools and knowledge, enabling productive collaboration,... new alternative protocols, procedures and policies for actualizing a global direct...
  • ... of cotton-wool was sitting at the edge of a large indoor fish-pond. Her feet were...
  • IDfone -
    ... the image on each screen. You can download (Mac OSX only) a client-side version of...