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  • Formas Computables -
    Exhibition organizated by the Centro de Cálculo of the Complutense University in Madrid, after the first Seminar of Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas
  • Art Futura
  • Carrillo, Jesús. Arte en la red. Madrid, Spain: Cátedra, 2004.
  • ... polymorphic work (installations, performances, conceptual pieces…) has a...
  • ... places, where I am the only person in the work, the person that...
  • FEM. Poetic terrorism. Madrid, Spain: FEM, 2007.
  • Event: The End of the Eclipse. Latin American Art from the Transition into the XXI CenturyInstitution: Fundación Telefónica MadridComment:
  • Together with Manuel Barbadillo was one of the most prominent computer artists of Spain during the 60-70s. Founding member of the Seminar "Generación Automática de Formas Plásticas", which was held in the Complutense University (CCUM) in Madrid. In
  • Cilleruelo, Lourdes. Lo digital en el arte. Madrid: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2008.
  • Event: Represented by Galerie Anita Beckers at ARCOmadrid 2016Institution: IFEMA (Feria de Madrid)Comment: