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  • ... extracted from the interviews. These three elements offer the visitors differentiated levels of access to the project. The interactive...
  • ...Manovich, Lev. What is Visualization?
  • ...Sweet, Paula. What Is Between Us: A Visual Survey of Nina Sobell's work 2007- 2019. Vicenza, Italy: Second Guess Press, Amazon, 2020.
  • ... member of the DFG graduate program "Explorative Analysis and Visualization of Large Information Spaces« and directs the research...
  • ...When a visitor steps on one of the 32 sensors on the floor, a screen in front of her shows one of four little digital worlds, that are partly...
    ... diverse aspects, such as social network, sound, brainwaves and visual elements. It creates an immersive audiovisual environment,...
  • ... and a specially conceived architectural surrounding. The visitor interactively influences the performance of the audio-visual...
  • ... pliable floor was in direct contact with the water surface. Visitors were able to enter this almost immaterial structure and cross...
  • ... and video, Seaman's processed, slowed and otherwise altered visuals take on metaphorical life. Through his fluid, sensual...
  • Watchers
    ... joins with vestiges of our perceptual being to seduce our vision. The forms themselves incorporate rewired TV's and are roughly...