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  • ... thathuman communication (…) often also includes unspoken, intuitive and sensual...
  • ... has explored many interactive media, including voice, touch, and spaceperception....
  • ... work spans almost four decades and incorporates a range fromanalog photography to...
  • ... invention over time. Support for her work includes the New York Foundation for the Arts,...
  • After Microsoft -
    ... been exhibited as an installation piece, including a projection of the re-photographed view...
  • Age of experience -
    ... exhibition of SCM teachers and students, including Tamas Waliczky's "Homes" installation...
  • ... hidden systems in the contemporary city increasingly shape our perception and bodily...
  • AirportSim -
    ... controls affect the simulation globally, including a terror alert level control that allows...
  • ... number of processed bioproducts including foodstu s in the USA. The very high...
  • ... University in Bogotá, Colombia. His work includes interface design, performance and...