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  • ... of narrative construction and the play between diverse ideological sub-texts...
  • SensingSpeakingSpace -
    ... The visualization consists of the play between the noise, randomness and order,...
  • ... the VTV studio in Tokyo. The Otná Eahket played at the Kiasma theatre. The video signals...
  • ... "The Living Room" thus metaphorically plays with ideas of surveillance, detection,...
  • ... Auto) you lead your character from the bird’s eye view from above. In real life you have...
  • Plain Plane Playing -
    Video tape Images of Baroque interiors are interlaced by a computer generated scrolling key pattern that was interactively modulated by the sound of water drops during the recording Kinetic video sculpture The video is projected onto a
  • Uirapuru -
    ... in the gallery. "Pingbirds" (robotic birds) sing Amazonian bird songs in the gallery in...
  • Rara Avis -
    ... of a large cage, in which thirty real birds (zebra finches) and a telerobot, which looks...
  • SonoMorphis - video
    ... viewpoints in such a way that a musical structure emerges from them. In this way... to users' varying approaches, playing styles, and temperaments in a...
  • Little Sister -
    ... platform, but at the same time it plays with the notions of voyeuristic media...