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  • Sound-kinetic diorama exterior: acrylic object in crystalloid like form; interior: relief (3D print), turntable, light, sounddim: 110 x 60 x 60 cm A miniature silver landscape in motion that can be viewed through the observation perforation in the
  • World Without End -
    World Without End Virtual Reality, Commission, Manarat al Saadiyat 2017-18 Overview For Manarat al Saadiyat cultural center program, "Ramadan Arcade", artworks were commissioned that addressed Emirates culture during the holiday season. For this
  • Guasch, Anna María. Arte y archivo. Genealogías, tipologías y discontinuidades. Madrid, Spain: Akal / Arte Contemporáneo, 2011.
  • 28. Endpiece, #79, 1990 Open: 6" by 20" Pen plotted drawing. The limited edition of 125 copies, bound in leather, was pulled by hand at the St. Sebastian Press in Minneapolis in 1990. Each copy has original, "one of a kind", tipped in front
  • Event: Black Box, Black Bloc -On cybernetics, black boxes, Tiqqun, and what it means to have "no demands."Institution: New School in New YorkComment:
  • eMoving Stills -
    La Mécanique des émotionsest un grand récit en œuvres: performances, sculptures, installations, machines... eMoving Stills sont comme un film sous-titré dont les photogrammes ponctueraient les étapes, semant les indices d'interprétation d'une
  • Artist: Alba TiranaComment:
  • Pearlman,Ellen. Ellen Pearlman, Russia Tiptoes Into New Media, PAJ, MIT Press, Vol. 35, No. 3, p. 49-54, September 2013 In PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, edited by Bonnie MarrancaVol.35. , 49-54. New York: MIT Press, 2013.
  • The Google Adwords Happening: how a global happening on Google unveiled the Generalized Semantic Capitalism. “At the beginning of April, a debate took place on mailing list, about how to earn money with net art. It suggested to me an
  • Kera Denisa. On Prototypes: Should We Eat Mao’s Pear, Sail Saint-Exupéry’s Boat, Drink with Heidegger’s Pitcher, or Use Nietzsche’s Hammer to Respond to the Crisis? In Pedagogies of Disaster, edited by Adam Staley Groves Vincent W.J. van Gerven