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  • Fox Keller, Evelyn. Making Sense of Life: Explaining Biological Development with Models, Metaphors, and Machines. Cambridge, London: Harvard University Press, 2002.
  • Event: Off-Sense - Cyberspace we all shareInstitution: Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM)Comment:
  • Showing for the first time in the UK, The Moment is a vast kaleidoscopic audio-visual installation by Doug Aitken, capturing the acute sense of disorientation experienced on waking in an unfamiliar place.
  • Making of Eve Clone Portraits IMR is a continuous series of the Making of Eve Clone I video, extending the digital images of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Eve Clone into a real space. The viewer, is invited to put on an MR(Mixed Reality)helmet, will
  • In contrast to the tendency perceived in previous years, an increase in film entries and the trend towards longer, more complex contributions in the film area became noticeable in 1992. In addition to presenting the Russian filmmaker Vladimir Kobrin
  • Event: From LIGHTING to ENLIGHTENMENT, Light Making SenseInstitution: 2015 International Lighting and Creative City ForumComment:
  • Sense-Fiction -
    Event: Sense-FictionInstitution: Le TripostalComment:
  • Sense
    SenseArtist: Ricardo Dal FarraComment:
  • Osmoboxes
    "An Osmobox is a work of olfactory art that responds to the presence of the viewer by opening itself and gently releasing an aroma. All Osmoboxes are visually identical but completely distinct in their olfactory identity. This means that the viewer
  • Limitless2023 -
    This interactive real-time artwork comments on the volatility of the stock market and the ephemeral nature of wealth, through an exploration of the intersection of technology, finance and mythology. Harris employs live market data, organising