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  • No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents Z.A.K For No Soul For Sale 2010 Friday 14 May 2010, 10.00–00.00 Saturday 15 May 2010, 10.00–00.00 Sunday 16 May 2010, 10.00–18.00 To celebrate Tate Modern's 10th anniversary, the gallery will host
  • Event: Pandora's Box, Fundación Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain, Institution: Fundacio Joan MiroComment:
  • Indomitable Women at BAC 10.0 Dec. 04 2009 - Jan. 07 2010 Curated by Macu Morán, the Indomitable Women exhibition gathers a selection of audiovisual artworks developed within the past four decades, in an attempt to glimpse the ethereal something
  • Event: Invisible Sounds, Netherlands Media Art Institut, Amsterdam, Holland, curator Annet Dekker Institution: Netherlands Media Art Institute NIMKComment:
  • TRUST July 31 10 TRUST / ISEA2010 RUHR Ausstellungen 31.07 – 05.09.2010; Dortmunder U
  • June 10 09 Peter Sandbichler: Out-Site03, MQ Wien Museumsquartier Wien MQ
  • Who are we ? Seconde Nature 27bis rue du 11 novembre, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France Tel : +33 (0)4 42 64 61 00 / +33 (0)4 42 64 61 01 email : contact @
  • d12 2007 The exhibition devised by artistic director Roger M. Buergel and curator Ruth Noack featuring work by 109 artists from 43 countries was visited by 754,301 paying guests. There were also 4,390 professionals and 15,537 journalists from 52
  • ABANDON NORMAL DEVICES FESTIVAL OF NEW CINEMA AND DIGITAL CULTURE Abandon Normal Devices (AND) welcomes audiences to experience the best in new cinema and media art in a celebration that spills from screens and galleries into the streets and
  • Ryoji Ikeda Exploring a new sensorium Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda creates at the extremes of sound, light and mathematics to produce complex transformative works of singular beauty. In Paris last year he projected vast blinding white light up into