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  • Pictures
    ... moments from the story of a person's life. The first and last image in the animation are identical; the circle is complete and the...
  • ...Acevedo is presenting an NFT tokenized image called Portrait: Masked, 2021
  • ... of visual sources. It is a highly topical issue in the age of image manipulation and fake news. The content addresses the...
  • ... worked exclusively with Kit Galloway under the moniker Mobile Image from 1977 onwards. She co-founded the Electronic Café...
  • Shadows -
    ... track the viewer. The position of the viewer in front of the image controls the activity of the figures across the bottom of the...
  • ... reality. The viewer can interactively rotate a projected image around a circular screen and so explore a virtual...
  • ... ear to almost embarrassingly intimate effect. The noirish black-and-white film about a man being held prisoner in a remote...
  • Universal Translator -
    ... intended to be secondary to the audio. The screen is initially black. When the microphone hears a sound, the video of the mouth fades... of the moving lips are captured by computers. These sounds and images provide most of the content, and are used to control most of...
  • On sight -
    ... x 12 x 6 metres The position of the viewer in front of the image controls the activity of the various objects on the screen. At...
  • ... These thirteen sound tracks were interactively linked to the image via the same joystick that controlled the user's visual...