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  • Homes
    ... in their proper place and with precise dimensions. My intention with this work is threefold: I want to use cutting-edge computer technology to visualise working class people's homes. Usually, such computer technology is used only to simulate “famous” or...
  • ...Cox, Donna. Algorithmic Art, Scientific Visualization and Tele-immersion: an Evolving Dialogue with the Universe In Women, Art, and Technology, edited by Judy MalloyCambridge, London: The MIT Press, 2003.
  • ... democracy can be explored. " The themes of Miroslaw Rogala's work --personal identity, the duality between nature and technology, freedom and democracy -- can be incorporated into (v)user --viewer/user-- interactive spaces in ways that raise questions...
  • ... absorbed in the ephemeral, the intangible, the invisible, and the faraway - the quest for self-knowledge mediated through technology. The installation employs a configuration of concave spherical mirrors and real-time digital imaging, in which the...
  • Little Sister -
    ... narrative, social system and performance platform, but at the same time it plays with the notions of voyeuristic media technology and "Reality"-TV. (Andrea Zapp)
  • ... often using the visitor as a co-actor (Orbit, Nevel, Compass, Boreas, Transporter). His projects often involve advanced technology as a point of departure or inspiration but also to activate the installations.
  • ...Crighton, Gary. The Real and the Virtual: Karl O´Donoghue Interviews Char Davies New Media Notes: Art and Technology in Ireland , no. 2 (March 1999).
  • Mercury - video
    ... artist duo Banz & Bowinkel relocate the viewer on an archipelago connected by footbridges. Elements of nature, culture or technology intertwine into a surreal terrain in which known physical laws are overridden. Both worlds are interconnected via...
  • ...NUNES, Fabio Oliveira and Soraya BRAZ. CAPTAS: an urban-mobile artistic intervention in Brazil BST: Body, Space and Technology Journal (Brunel University) 11, no. 2 (2013).
  • ... projects, as well as to practical ones, aimed at changing actual living conditions. Such an intersection of art, science, technology and vision seeks to tackle one of the most important problems of the near future: ongoing urbanisation, and the...