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  • ... and information from all ages and cultures in an enormous "city of books" over a digital network. Proactive in searching for...
  • ... Charles & Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation and the City University of Hong Kong. The project will continue beyond this...
  • Latent State - video
    ... later performed at the Museum of Jurassic Technology, Culver City, LA, on June 29th 2009, and during the Make Art Festival 2010 in...
  • ... tree was approached as a kiosk with a large monitor. The city of Irvine was reduced to seven computer icons representing...
  • FemCity -
    ... "FemCity", and will be set in the backdrop of a new, modern city where each building will represent a real-life model such as a...
    ... behind. The pictograms symbolize flows in the contemporary city - currency, goods, people and processes of decay. As visitors...
  • .. In the context of the 1960’s paradigm of installation he started with expanded cinema, performance and participatory environments..
  • ...Born in the Japanese city of Fukuoka, media artist Naoko Tosa was awarded a PhD for Art and Technology research by the University of Tokyo in...
  • ... Sao Paulo 2004: En Parallèle, Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris 2004: Third Nuit Blanche of Paris 2003: Tirana Biennale...
  • ... control. Beginning with the blank canvas of a faceless modern city, participants click-and-drag images – each image chanting its own...