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  • TI -
    ... His work focuses on defining processes and translating them into...
  • Metroscopes -
    ... are each mounted on individual columns in the Ropewalks Square. The...
  • ... in response to the regeneration process underway at the time in... of the 1937 film of the same name. For most people, the film...
  • -
    ... between internal and external processes and experience. The Search...
  • ... unfolded. The digital-image processing techniques used to create...
    ... audio and video synthesis processing with physical interaction....
  • ... of release charakter a pomery procesu uvo_nenia
  • T-wo.gen
    ... perceptions… the current process — thought. “Current” is a pun...
  • ... played (and combined). In this process the experience of remembering...
  • ... Connecting Nations In DIS´04 Proceedings of the 5th Conference on...