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  • Amplitude
    ... the principles of the Radius installation, Amplitue concentrates...
  • ... be a statement, an event, an installation, an object, a concert, a...
  • Transfinite 7347 -
    ...Audiovisual installation at Park Avenue Armory, New York.
  • Mirrors
    ... is rAndom’s first permanent installation in the UK and has been...
  • ... variable dimension interactive installation Installation view at Sala...
  • ... Museum, New York performance, installation dimensions variable...
  • ... artist's voice was added to the installation in 1968. At that time it...
  • data.anatomy - video [civic] is a audiovisual installation by the Japanese artist Ryoji...
  • Data Tecture -
    Installation "Data Tecture [5 SXGA + version]" at the 2012 LEV Festival in Gijon,...
  • Long Wave - video
    ...Long wave is a site specific installation that was commissioned by Luminato,...