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  • Mercury Project combined robotics and archaeology in an interactive art installation. To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the first system that allowed WWW users to remotely view and alter the real world via tele-robotics. Users excavated
  • Benayoun, M.. The Dump, 207 Hypotheses for Committing Art. France: Fyp editions, 2011.
  • Event: Hypotheses VérificationInstitution: New Laboratoria Art&ScienceComment:
  • "The artist Olga Kisseleva's approach to her work is much the same as a scientist's. A discrepancy detected during a procedure or within the workings of a structure oblige her to formulate a hypothesis, in order to explain the complication in
  • Dialogue With The Knowbotic South- strategies on a changing view of nature A dynamic map of a data-land-scape providing a form of interaction with multilocal and multipresent information-fields. Following the example of the manneristic
  • On Justifying the Hypothetical Nature of Art and the Non-Identicality within the Object WorldArtist: Peter WeibelComment:
  • When a visitor steps on one of the 32 sensors on the floor, a screen in front of her shows one of four little digital worlds, that are partly controllable by the viewer. Hypothetical creatures, autonomous and life-like, live in these worlds.
  • Event: On Justifying the Hypothetical Nature of Art and the Non-Identicality within the Object WorldInstitution: Galerie Tanja GrunertComment:
  • Weibel, Peter; Peter Fleck (Hg.). Gespräch mit Friedrich Kittler In Peter Weibel. Zur Rechtfertigung der hypothetischen Natur der Kunst und der Nicht-Identität in der Objektwelt, edited by Robert Fleck, 149-163. Köln, DE: Grunnert, 1992.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Staging of the Thinking Space: From Immersion to Performative Presence In Paradoxes of Interactivity, edited by Jin Hyun Kim, Uwe Seifert and Anthony MooreISBN 978-3-89942-1, , 266-281. Bielefeld: