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  • Event: Fête de l'InternetInstitution: Centre culturel canadienComment:
  • Event: Fête du code créatifInstitution: Centre Georges PompidouComment:
  • FIAC 2011 -
    Event: FIAC 2011Institution: FIACComment:
  • Fiber Visions -
    Event: Fiber VisionsInstitution: Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art 2013Comment:
  • Video projection, print on plexiglass dim: 100 x 138 cm (x 2) The kaleidoscopic video is based on radiological recordings of the author’s brain. The recording of neural connections (nerve tracts) shown by tractography (diffusion MRI) is...
  • Fidelio, 21. Century -
    Adaptation of the opera "Fidelio" (1814) by Beethoven

    "Fidelio, 21st century" [...] is the first classical to be performed interactively in a three-dimensional virtual reality [...]. On one side of the cellar computer equipment whirs, and the...
  • Study #1 - Panoramic and Moviemap Studies in Computer 3-Space These studies were produced in the two weeks. Simple tools were used in the field, including various maps, compass, level, optical rangefinder, tripod, car mount, and a portable video...
  • Naimark, Michael. Field Recording Studies In Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments, edited by Mary Anne Moser and Douglas MacLeodCambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996.