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  • ...Bill Seaman is a media artist and professor. He holds a Ph.D. from CAiiA, the Centre For Advanced...
  • Secret
    The words in "Secret" are dispersed in the semantic darkness of a potential space. The reader is invited to navigate this space and create verbal and visual links between immaterial presences, voids, and distant signs. This VRML navigational poem
  • Inside the Chain -
    ...Inside the ChainArtist: Ekaterina ZharinovaComment:
  • Letter
    ... person. However, in order to convey a particular emotional sphere, the author conflated...
  • Perhaps -
    ... 1999 using a special server in the Art and Technology Department of The School of the...
  • ...Part of an emerging generation of new media artists, Shirley Shor employs technological processes in...
  • ...Águeda Simó is a multimedia and research artist who investigates and teaches the interaction between...
  • ...Peter C. Simon is a sound and video artist and curator whose current interests include sound art, field...
  • ...John F. Simon, Jr. is an artist who uses programming language as an activated extension of written...
  • This work is composed of two different anamorphic QR codes in a 40ft (12m) vitrine. Once the lens of the cell phone converts the distorted images into squares, the QR app in the phone automatically reads the two codes and renders the animations