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  • Stolen Life -
    Two concepts have marked 21st century creation, the metaphysical consequence of which is obvious to everyone, despite their apparent differences. The first is the idea that it is the spectator who creates the picture and the second is that the
  • Made In China -
    Made in China: Return of the Soul is a 90 minute dance-theater adaptation and revisioning of Tang Xianzu's Peony Pavilion, one of the most famous plays in all of classical Chinese literature and drama. The story of Du Liniang, the 16 year old
  • Vanitas ( in a Petri dish), a series of digital photographs bringing the concept of vanitas into the 21st century. In prior centuries, vanitas paintings warned against the excesses of material culture. Expressing the futility of life and its
  • In 1991 Waliczky wrote the script for THE GARDEN, an animation based on an idea which came from an old piece of Super-8 film, made over ten years before, showing a little girl playing in a country garden. The artist's aim was to portray the
  • FLUflux -
    n this project selected for the Visualizar ’09 workshop at the Media Lab Prado, Jihyun Kim and I created an interactive visualization of the correlations between international flight travel and the outbreaks of global diseases during the first
  • Penny, Simon. Training Computer Artists for the 21st Century Computer Graphics 25, no. 3 (1991).
  • BA in Art History and MA in Arts and Communication, is carrying out his artistic activity by continuously crossing the thin line between intangible and tangible, focusing on the idea of non digital identity, the erosion of an overloaded information
  • Sandberg, Peter. Illusion skapar vattenvarelser Tagens Nyheter (November 21st 1996).
  • Thor, Rainer. Resümee eines Kunst-Werkes Kronen Zeitung (June 21st 1994).
  • VIPER Basel -
    VIPER Basel is one of the major European film, video and new media festivals. It offers a highly-regarded platform for presenting innovative works and projects, attracting Swiss and international filmmakers and producers, artists, curators, critics