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  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Extended Performance – Virtuelle Bühne, Selbstrepräsentanz und Interaktion. Kaleidoskopien, Theatralität, Performance, Medialität. Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Universität Leipzig, no.
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. Extended Performance – Virtuelle Bühne, Selbstrepräsentanz und Interaktion. Extended Performance – Virtuelle Bühne, Selbstrepräsentanz und Interaktion. Kaleidoskopien, Theatralität, Performance, Medialität.
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    The greenhouse converter is an apparatus for algae, water fleas and people. Water from a fountain, enriched with atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide, is pumped from beneath via an air supply into an aquarium. This feeds an algal culture
  • Planchette Bot -
    Planchette Bot re-creates the aura of few of the global figures in automated voice and hologram. The select historical figures include M. K. Gandhi, Malcom X, and Nelson Mandela, among others. Their personalities are recreated by incorporating AI
  • The origin of Documentation of Making of Eve Clone II series is from the animation Making of Eve Clone I. I select three parts of the grid body of Eve Clone such as golden-head with silver-chest, silver-chest with coppery abdomen, iron leg with half
  • Beiguelman, Giselle. Copiar é preciso. Inventar não é preciso. seLecT 01, no. 01 (August/September 2011): 37-43.
  • Media Forum 2006 -
    During preparation to this year MEDIA FORUM Alexey Isaev (1960-2006), our ideological leader and theoretician, died. This tragedy brought us to two immanent conclusions: • dedicate MEDIA FORUM 2006 to Alexey Isaev memory; • select as a theme for the
  • This video shows results from a research project involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures. A population of several hundred creatures is created within a supercomputer, and each creature is tested for their ability to
  • The White Room is a metaphor that illustrates the Brazilian atmosphere face to the constant changes in the domestic economy. Moreover, it points to the delicate balance between North and South ­- in terms of world geography -- after globalization.
  • This fiction informs the audience about rising sea levels due to global warming and how urban populations will cope with it. This experimental form of tactical transmedia fiction was told by actors and narrative devices staged over the Internet and