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  • TeleZone Overview -
    "Telezone" builds on many of the ideas of Ken Goldberg's earlier "Telegarden" (1995) also at the Ars Electronica Center, and allows a community of people to collaboratively create architectonic structures--and by extension social structures--at a
  • The 20th transmediale festival again explores how art and society are changing under the influence of media and technologies which become more and more dominant in our everyday lives. In contemporary art, digital media like video and electronic
  • Event: Open Call 2121Institution: noemata.netComment:
  • Wertheim, Margaret. Out of This World New Scientist 161, no. 2172 (February 1999): 38-41.
  • Fisher, Scott S. and Mark T. Bolas and John O. Merritt, ed. Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems. Proc. SPIE 2177, Cambridge: 1994.
  • “Synthetic images as an answer to Auschwitz” (“We Shall Survive in the Memory of Others”)1 asserted Vilém Flusser (1920–1991) forcefully in an interview shortly before his death. Only by passing through radical abstraction could a new
  • Curators: Olga Shishko and Elena Rumyantseva Participating artists: Tanya Akhmetgalieva (Russia) The Blue Soup (Russia) Alexandra Dementieva (Russia/Belgium) George Drivas (Greece) Omer Fast (Israel) William Hooker and Phill Niblock (USA) JODI
  • Event: Peter Weibel. Media rebelInstitution: 21er Haus, Österreichische Galerie BelvedereComment:
  • Weibel, Peter. Die Medienkunst und der veränderte Werkbegriff In Zur Definition eines neuen Kunstbegriffs, edited by Galerie Krinzinger, 21ff. : 1979.
  • The Tribe -
    What can the most successful doll on the planet show us about being Jewish today? Narrated by Peter Coyote, the film mixes old school narration with a new school visual style. The Tribe weaves together archival footage, graphics, animation, Barbie